![OED House Rules Cover](images/OED_HouseRules.gif)
Original Edition Delta: Fantasy Rules
Free, short mechanical house rules for Original D&D. Clarifies and streamlines races, classes, abilities, movement, encumbrance, weapons, combat, and multi-classing. Includes a short description of the "Target 20" system: combat and resolution with the same results as D&D, but no tables or new statistics required.
Free Player's Rules | Judge's Rules | Target 20 | Expanded | Other Add-Ons
![OED Book of Spells Cover](images/OED_BookOfSpells.gif)
Original Edition Delta: Book of Spells, 2nd Edition
A concise, comprehensive collection of magic spells for use with the "original edition" game. A handy supplement for both DMs and players of wizard characters. Keep a copy aside for each wizard player at your table; or just print out the specific pages that your wizard character needs. Everything inside is fully Open Game Content material. Now edited in a 2nd Edition to make it even more quicker, easier to use, and closer in alignment to the original game!
Available at Lulu.com | Plus Deck of Spells
![OED Book of War Cover](images/OED_BookOfWar.gif)
Original Edition Delta: Book of War
Mass combat in a miniatures game that's fast, elegant, fun, and statistically representative of core D&D combat! At 1:10 scale, your familiar high-level monsters, heroes, and wizards can take part. Built around easy conversion rules that you can use on the fly during a standard D&D game when you need it - with a history of billions of computer-simulated battles to make sure powers and prices are reasonably balanced. Includes simple rules for castle & ship-based battles.
Available at Lulu.com | Free Add-ons | Compatibility Mark | Streaming on YouTube