Expanded Edition
It's everything all in one place, and so much more! Our growing community has taken our normally minimalist OED rules and made them "verbose" so everything is as complete as possible. Includes full rosters for character classes, monsters, traps, equipment, encounters, treasures, and more. (There's even clerics in the forbidden appendix.) Get a PDF version at the link to the left. Or read the online version. And the source is free and open on Github -- get it, modify it, and make a pull request if you think you can help us improve it!

Character Sheet
The official OED character sheet is here! A form-fillable digest-sized PDF that automatically enters ability score modifiers, total encumbrance, and your character's movement rate as you go. Makes prepping new characters for play a snap. Also available as two records on one sheet, good for printing blank copies for players to fill in when replacements are needed.

Monster Stat Blocks
Brief stat blocks for all the monsters in Original D&D, suitable for pasting into adventure notes. Includes Equivalent Hit Dice (EHD) values for encounter-assessment, random monster tables, and XP awards. Over 200 monsters included! (For the raw data in spreadsheet form, see here.)

Monster Matrix
Tables to generate monsters in the dungeon as per OED level analyses. Suggested as a replacement for OD&D Vol-3, Underworld and Wilderness Adventures, p. 18-19.

Traps Digest
Tables to generate traps in your classic D&D dungeons. Keyed by level (for use with the same Monster Determination Matrix in the books, or above). Complete stats to copy-paste into your adventures!

Promotional Flyer
Want to share the playful elegance that is Original Edition Delta with friends and acquaintances, but don't know where to start explaining it? Here's a postcard-sized promotional flyer that you can hand out or email to get the ball rolling. They'll know we mean business!

Software Tools
Software tools for assessing demographics, monster strength, creating NPCs, and large batches of men in OED. Plus a link to our Github repository for source code downloads; free to inspect, use, and share under the GPL-2.0 license.