Basic Rules
Minimum unit size is 50 points
Lawful & Chaotic not in same army
Melee attacks at +1 per 3 health (round down).
Ranged attacks are ½ dice with move to half; –1 hit over half range
Morale target is 9 (roll 2d6 + health + figures/lost).
Morale loss immediately removes unit
Pikes: Interrupt attack when attacked from front for double damage; half attacks in bad terrain.
Mounts: Double move penalties; half attacks in bad terrain.
SplitMove: Move ½, shoot ½, move ½ at end of turn.
NoRainShot: No shooting allowed in rain.
MeleeShot: Make ½ dice shot in melee.
Solo Rules
Number limited by number of mass units
Free turns, wheeling, etc.
Attacks automatically hit (no roll to hit)
No morale checks ever
Ranged hits require confirm roll of 6 vs. man-sized, 5-6 vs. larger
Melee defense suffers back attacks alone vs. mass units
Can be embedded in front row of mass unit (one per unit): Move as unit, immune to ranged attacks, no rear attacks, +1 morale to unit
Save vs. damaging spells at 2d6 over damage, or take 1 hit
Get extra death blow attack vs. other solos
SweepAttack: Against 1-health targets, get multiple figure hits
Wand: Two shots/turn if standing. Declare direction & range; any one figure hit takes 6 damage.
Spells: See BOW 1E (should have cards at table)
WeatherControl: Shift weather by 1 step.
BreathWeapon: Hit 2 foot or 1 mounted figure (1×2”) for indicated damage on each; can melee at same time; 3/game.
Fear: On attack, target makes morale check at 0 loss rate